Making Wellness Your Ultimate Priority

Vacation & Fitness

Vacation & Fitness

Adding fitness to your vacation brings a different element to your trip. A vacation with physical activities can help improve your mental and physical health. Just think of your vacation as an opportunity to explore new sites while enjoying physical activities. It’s time to get outside and see what the world has to offer. Whether you want to fly domestic or international, there will be plenty of places for you to visit. Cycling Cycling is a great way to explore a new city and get exercise at the same time. Switch up your transportation and try it. Most tourist areas...

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The Perfect Work Space

The Perfect Work Space

You have the coolest job in the world because you get to work from home. You’re not limited to a small cubicle space in an office. When you wake up, you’re in a workspace of your design. You’ve literally traded your 10th story view of downtown for a small desk in your living room. Creating a space that speaks to your taste and personality is important for your productivity. Here are some suggestions that will help you stay productive in your home office...
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Dealing With Stress

Dealing With Stress

We put ourselves through so much stress. Work, finances and our personal lives can trigger it. Life doesn’t stop when we are overwhelmed. As we get older, life tends to add more on our plate. Stress can be categorized as either short or long term...
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Gaming together with comfort

Gaming Comfort

We love to stay up late for countless hours playing our favorite video games. Whether you’re a PC or console player, your body is put through stress from an improper seating position. Most players don’t think about their posture when they are gaming. Neck pain, spinal curvature and hand swelling are some of the injuries caused by improper posture. Just think of the number of years...
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